Eve Thermo

SKU: 10EBP1701

Product Name: Eve Thermo

Eve Thermo

SKU: 10EBP1701

  • Price
  • Eve Thermo synchronizes your heating based on your routine: You’ll be able to save energy when away from home or make your place a cozy haven of relaxation when you’re there. Fed up with the daily grind of having to continuously adjust your radiator valves? Automate your heating, and add schedules for workdays and the weekend, or even for each day of the week. And as all schedules are stored right on Eve Thermo, the accessory can get on with its job independently of any home hub, iPhone, or internet connection. Don’t live life to a fixed schedule? Have Eve Thermo reduce the temperature when everyone’s left for the day. Then as soon as someone returns home, have Eve Thermo raise the temperature automatically – all configured via your iPhone using HomeKit, not a proprietary cloud service.