Rossmax Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor Z5 PARR

Серийный номер: Z5PARR

Продукт: Rossmax Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor Z5 PARR

Rossmax Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor Z5 PARR


  • Цена устройства
    99,90 €
  • Prevent the risk of cardio disease and stroke by early detection of atrial fibrillation, premature contraction, tachycardia, and bradycardia. Cardiac disorders need medical attention and thus early diagnosis is of paramount importance. The PARR technology detects arrhythmia during regular blood pressure checks without any additional user skills, user interaction, and measurement prolongation. With the «Rossmax healthstyle APP» you can manage your Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, SpO2, Weight, and Temperature in only one single APP. The products will be easily connected through Bluetooth and the real-time data communication is only one click away. To share the graphs, charts, or data with 3rd party provides a new experience. Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery up to 500 measures.